Exotic Textiles Limited

Shinaraa, a sustainable luxury fashion brand, is deeply committed to conscious fashion, which uses organic fabrics and natural dyes while keeping a bold focus on garment longevity. Its mission is simple yet profound: to craft stylish, comfortable garments, all while prioritising design and artistic expression.

Its vision is to “reimagine conscious fashion, from sketch to soul,” which embodies creativity and sustainability, with the aim of revolutionising the fashion industry and helping consumers make better choices that positively impact the planet.

Shinaraa cares deeply about every stage of a garment’s journey, from the initial pencil sketch to the heartfelt connection between consumers and their clothing. Its commitment to conscious fashion extends to every aspect of its brand, from thoughtfully sourced materials to technological innovation.

The company promises to create fashion for good—for people and the planet—one garment at a time.

Consumer Goods – Luxury Fashion

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ستساعدنا المعلومات الشخصية التي قدمتها في تقديم خدماتنا وتطويرها وتعزيزها. من خلال تقديم بياناتك ووضع علامة على المربعات والنقر على "إرسال" فإنك تقر بأنك قد قرأتسياسة الخصوصية وسياسة ملفات تعريف الارتباط الخاصة بناووافقت عليهما. يُرجى قراءة سياسة الخصوصية وسياسة ملفات تعريف الارتباط لفهم حقوقك المتعلقة بياناتك.