Osome Limited

Osome is a technology-enabled corporate services and accounting services provider, helping startups and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) meet their business needs in Hong Kong, Singapore and the United Kingdom. The company provides services including company incorporation, corporate secretary, accounting and auditing services, and partners with a wide range of companies to provide one-stop services to help companies grow. Moreover, it handles the backend work to ensure clients’ companies are staying compliant. With the use of artificial intelligence (AI) and backing from a team of professionals, Osome is able to deliver accurate and safe services to clients not only at a competitive rate, but also with unparalleled customer experience.

Business and Professional Services

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ستساعدنا المعلومات الشخصية التي قدمتها في تقديم خدماتنا وتطويرها وتعزيزها. من خلال تقديم بياناتك ووضع علامة على المربعات والنقر على "إرسال" فإنك تقر بأنك قد قرأتسياسة الخصوصية وسياسة ملفات تعريف الارتباط الخاصة بناووافقت عليهما. يُرجى قراءة سياسة الخصوصية وسياسة ملفات تعريف الارتباط لفهم حقوقك المتعلقة بياناتك.