Record high numbers of companies and startups affirm Hong Kong as a great place to do business

Hong Kong is on a strong growth track after the pandemic, as shown in the record-high numbers from the “2024 Annual Survey of Companies in Hong Kong with Parent Companies Located outside Hong Kong” and the “2024 Startup Survey”. The survey results are a strong testimony to these corporates’ confidence in Hong Kong as a city that is a preferred international hub with unique access to Mainland China.

The number of Hong Kong companies with parent companies overseas or on the Mainland reached 9,960 companies, an increase of 10% compared with last year.  While factors such as global economic uncertainties, a fundamental shift in market behaviour after the pandemic, and geopolitical tensions have affected companies’ expansion plans, Hong Kong is, as always, resilient, and has maintained its unique advantages and attractiveness to the international and Mainland business community. 

In addition, the 2024 Startup Survey shows the number of startups reaching a record high of 4,694, up 10% from last year. These startups hired 17,651 personnel, up 7%.  The impressive results show that the Hong Kong SAR government’s measures to support these new emerging sectors have seen continuous success. 

For more details of the survey results, please download the report here: 

2024 Annual Survey of Companies in Hong Kong with Parent Companies Located outside Hong Kong

2024 Startup Survey

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