Invest Hong Kong (InvestHK) is the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) Government Department responsible for Foreign Direct Investment. InvestHK’s vision is to strengthen Hong Kong’s status as the leading international business location in Asia. Our mission is to attract and retain foreign direct investment which is of strategic importance to the economic development of Hong Kong. In all our services, we apply the following core values: passion, integrity, professionalism, customer service, business friendliness, responsiveness, collaboration and innovation.
We work with overseas and Mainland entrepreneurs, SMEs and multinationals that wish to set up an office – or expand their existing business – in Hong Kong.
We offer free advice and services to support companies from the planning stage right through to the launch and expansion of their business.
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- All Offices
- InvestHK (Hong Kong)
- Akerkin Eraliyeva
- Panakorn Dejthumrongwat
- Arthur Lam
- Wing Hin Chung
- Paula Kant
- Sherif El Bidewy
- Jason Gan
- Sultan Abdulla
- Mats Gerlam
- Helen Yip
- Nese Secer
- Cagkan Aydogdu
- Hillwan Yogi Brahmanda
- Dan Levy
- Manuel Puma
- Daisy Ip
- Karla Loyo
- Stefano De Paoli
- Leonid Orlov
- Ninad Parkar
- Holger Vogt
- Ranjit Unnithan
- Geert Hovens
- Laurent Sansoucy
- Thiago Cruz Silveira
- Lawrence Tang
- Veronica Medina
- Young Ho Seo
- Arthur Lam
- Melvin Lee
- Max Lau
- Takao Yamauchi
- Christopher Chen
- Yikai Zhou

InvestHK Head Office
- Hong Kong
- All

Almaty, Kazakhstan
Consultant (Almaty)
- Kazakhstan
- Kyrgyzstan
- Tajikistan
- Turkmenistan
- Uzbekistan

Bangkok, Thailand
Head of Business and Talent Attraction / Investment Promotion
- Bangladesh
- Cambodia
- Myanmar
- Thailand

Beijing, China
Head of Business and Talent Attraction / Investment Promotion
- Beijing
- Gansu
- Hebei
- Heilongjiang
- Inner Mongolia
- Jilin
- Liaoning
- Ningxia
- Tianjin
- Xinjiang

Berlin, Germany
Head of Business and Talent Attraction / Investment Promotion
- Austria
- Czech Republic
- Germany
- Hungary
- Poland
- Slovak Republic
- Slovenia
- Switzerland (except Ticino Canton)

Brussels, Belgium
Head of Business and Talent Attraction / Investment Promotion
- Belgium
- Bulgaria
- Croatia
- Cyprus
- Greece
- Ireland
- Luxembourg
- Malta
- Moldova
- the Netherlands
- Portugal
- Romania
- Spain

Cairo, Egypt
Principal Consultant (Cairo)
- Algeria
- Egypt
- Iran
- Iraq
- Jordan
- Lebanon
- Libya
- Morocco
- Tunisia

Chengdu, China
Head of Business and Talent Attraction / Investment Promotion
- Chongqing
- Guizhou
- Shaanxi
- Sichuan
- Qinghai
- Xizang (Tibet)
- Yunnan

Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Head of Business and Talent Attraction / Investment Promotion
- Bahrain
- Kuwait
- Oman
- Qatar
- Saudi Arabia
- United Arab Emirates

Gothenberg, Sweden
Consultant (Gothenburg)
- Finland
- Sweden

Guangzhou, China
Head of Business and Talent Attraction / Investment Promotion
- Fujian
- Guangdong
- Guangxi
- Hainan

Istanbul, Turkey
Principal Consultant (Istanbul)
- Turkey

Izmir, Turkey
Consultant (Izmir)
- Izmir

Jakarta, Indonesia
Head of Business and Talent Attraction / Investment Promotion
- Brunei
- Indonesia
- Malaysia
- Philippines

Jerusalem, Israel
Principal Consultant (Jerusalem)
- Israel

Lima, Peru
Consultant (Santiago)
- Peru

London, United Kingdom
Head of Business and Talent Attraction / Investment Promotion
- Anguilla
- Bermuda
- British Virgin Islands
- Cayman Islands
- Falkland Islands
- Gibraltar
- Montserrat
- Turks and Caicos Islands
- United Kingdom

Mexico City, Mexico
Principal Consultant (Mexico)
- Belize
- Costa Rica
- El Salvador
- Guatemala
- Honduras
- Mexico
- Nicaragua
- Panama

Milan, Italy
Principal Consultant (Milan)
- Italy
- Ticino Canton (Switzerland)

Moscow, Russia
Principal Consultant (Moscow)
- Armenia
- Azerbaijan
- Belarus
- Estonia
- Georgia
- Latvia
- Lithuania
- Mongolia
- Russia

Mumbai, India
Principal Consultant (Mumbai)
- India
- Maldives
- Sri Lanka

Nairobi, Africa
Principal Consultant (Nairobi)
- Africa (excluding North Africa)

New York, USA
Head of Business and Talent Attraction / Investment Promotion
- Alabama
- Arkansas
- Connecticut
- Delaware
- District of Columbia
- Florida
- Georgia
- Illinois
- Indiana
- Iowa
- Kentucky
- Louisiana
- Maine
- Maryland
- Massachussets
- Michigan
- Minnesota
- Mississippi
- Missouri
- New Hampshire
- New Jersey
- New York
- North Carolina
- Ohio
- Pennsylvania
- Rhode Island
- South Carolina
- Tennessee
- Vermont
- Virginia
- West Virginia
- Wisconsin

Oslo, Norway
Consultant (Iceland & Norway)
- Denmark
- Iceland
- Norway

Paris, France
Principal Consultant (Paris)
- France

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Principal Consultant (Rio de Janeiro)
- Brazil

San Francisco, USA
Head of Business and Talent Attraction / Investment Promotion
- Alaska
- Arizona
- California
- Colorado
- Hawaii
- Idaho
- Kansas
- Montana
- Nebraska
- Nevada
- New Mexico
- North Dakota
- Oklahoma
- Oregon
- South Dakota
- Texas
- Utah
- Washington
- Wyoming

Santiago, Chile
Principal Consultant (Santiago)
- South America (except Brazil)

Seoul, Korea
Principal Consultant (Seoul)
- Korea

Shanghai, China
Head of Business and Talent Attraction / Investment Promotion
- Anhui
- Jiangsu
- Shanghai
- Shandong
- Zhejiang

Head of Business and Talent Attraction / Investment Promotion
- Laos
- Singapore
- Vietnam

Sydney, Australia
Head of Business and Talent Attraction / Investment Promotion
- Australia
- New Zealand

Tokyo, Japan
Head of Business and Talent Attraction / Investment Promotion
- Japan

Toronto, Canada
Head of Business and Talent Attraction / Investment Promotion
- Canada

Wuhan, China
Head of Business and Talent Attraction / Investment Promotion
- Henan
- Hubei
- Hunan
- Jiangxi
- Shanxi