EU – Hong Kong Policy Discussion Series - Can Hong Kong Lead in Carbon Trading? What About EU Policies?


Hong Kong is a global financial and logistics centre and many companies listed or headquartered here are also large emitters of carbon. For these reasons Hong Kong has an important role to play in developing a robust carbon market for the region. This dialogue will exchange views on the ways for Hong Kong to lead on carbon trading and look at related initiatives and policies in the European Union, including the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM).

Please click event programme for details. Please note that since physical seats are limited, participants will be final upon receiving a confirmation email.

Event Details
30 May 2023
Hong Kong (GMT +8) 4:00pm – 6:00pm 
Registration starts at 3:30pm
Invest Hong Kong Office - 24/F, Fairmont House, 8 Cotton Tree Drive, Central
Format: Hybrid