Taiwan-based DIY home baking house opens third studio in Hong Kong

Taiwan-based DIY home baking house, Home Baking Day, announced today (17 September 2019) that it has opened its third studio as part of the expansion to cater to increasing demand.

The 1 800-square-feet studio is located in a major shopping centre in Tseung Kwan O. Like the company’s two other studios in Lai Chi Kok and Tsuen Wan, it has a shared kitchen space with all the ingredients and cooking utensils needed for making cakes or desserts by following a list of 40 e-recipes.

Its co-founder of the Hong Kong branch, Mr Ken Huang, said, “Hong Kong people travel a lot to Taiwan and many of them have visited our studios in Taichung and enjoyed the baking experience. In order to provide the same experience just like in Taiwan, we established our foothold here last year. Since then, our studio is getting more and more popular for friend and family gatherings and we opened our second studio early this year in the city.”

Mr Huang added, “Hong Kong people love baking but they don’t have the space and tools at home. We see the opportunity to provide making spaces that are designed to make people feel like baking at home. We choose Tseung Kwan O as our third location because it is a popular residential area with young couples and families that suits our clientele range.”

Associate Director-General of Investment Promotion, Dr Jimmy Chiang, said, “We are happy to see Home Baking Day doing well in Hong Kong and their third studio opening. It provides not only a shared space for baking enthusiasts to make desserts, but also a relaxing place for friends and families to enjoy their quality time.”

About Home Baking day

Founded in 2016, Home Baking Day is a DIY baking studio that provides shared kitchen space, ingredients and tools for customers to make cakes and desserts. It aims to teach customers how to bake cakes and desserts by using recipes stored in tablets and with the assistance of in-house staff. It currently has two branches in Taiwan and three branches in Hong Kong. For more information, please visit www.facebook.com/homebakingdayhk.

About InvestHK

InvestHK is the department of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government responsible for attracting foreign direct investment and supporting overseas and Mainland businesses to set up or expand in Hong Kong. It provides free advice and customised services for overseas and Mainland companies. For more information, please visit www.investhk.gov.hk.

For photos, please visit www.flickr.com/photos/investhk/albums/72157710879113081.


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