Driving Growth through New Policy Initiatives

Benefitting from Hong Kong’s favourable policies on capital markets, private equity firm Alpha Win saw accelerated growth opportunity.

For the asset management industry, Hong Kong has a well-developed financial market and is also an important window between mainland and the world.

Dr Li Ying
CEO, Alpha Win Capital Limited

Science paves the path into the future. As the world enters the third year the pandemic, science provides a way out. Alpha Win Capital Limited (Alpha Win) was founded in 2020 by local and overseas investment specialists. The Hong Kong-headquartered company specialises in the fields of biomedicine and technology to empower both the industry and the economy, with equity investment as its core business.

Enormous Business Support

Hong Kong was a logical place to establish Alpha Win’s headquarters. “One country, two systems has given Hong Kong a unique status with a sound rule of law, political stability and a favourable business environment,” explained Dr Li Ying, CEO of Alpha Win. “For the asset management industry, Hong Kong has a well-developed financial market and is also an important window between Mainland China and the world.”

Li observed that the Hong Kong government actively promotes the financial market’s development; for example, its policy encourages biopharmaceutical companies to list on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange and the new listing regime for special purpose acquisition companies has a more flexible mechanism. The incentive has expanded exit paths for investment projects. Further, the government introduced a limited partnership fund system allowing private funds to be registered as limited liability partnerships in Hong Kong. The scheme has attracted more private investment funds to set up in Hong Kong. Indeed, Alpha Win was one of the first companies to register under Hong Kong limited partnership funds. Li believed that these are important policy initiatives which enhance the international competitiveness of financial and asset management industries in Hong Kong.

Greater Bay Area Opportunities

The Belt and Road initiative and plans for the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area act as additional catalysts for Alpha Win’s growth potential. These initiatives will “inject infinite vitality into the cities within the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Delta and have important strategic significance for the integration of Hong Kong into the overall development of the nation,” stated Li. Through close connection between Hong Kong and Mainland China, Alpha Win plans to expand to the Greater Bay Area and Mainland Chinese markets. To that end, it established a branch in Macao and is in the process of preparing a Mainland China investment platform.

The pandemic has accelerated the digitalisation process for many companies, and investors are paying closer attention to biotechnology companies. The trend is positively impacting Alpha Win and offers ample room for growth. Going forward, the company will continue to inject capital and resources into its invested companies. It expects to grow into a boutique private equities investment institution with its home base in Hong Kong to service the Greater Bay Area in the coming three to five years.

Li said that the Hong Kong government’s support has enabled Alpha Win to develop steadily and organically. “InvestHK helped us to broaden the channels of information and provided networking opportunities with the industry,” Li revealed. “It often organises various activities, giving us the opportunity to contact different institutions and expand our network.”


Fast Facts

  • Alpha Win Capital Limited was granted Type 1, 4 and 9 licenses issued by the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission
  • Its main business is equity investment with 16 Hong Kong Limited Partnership Funds established, investment in more than 15 projects and its accumulated fund management scale exceeding US$700 million. Its major investment projects cover biopharmaceutical and high technology fields

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