PingAn OneConnect Credit Reference Services Agency (HK) Limited

PingAn OneConnect Credit Reference Services Agency (HK) Limited (PAOCCRA) combines advanced technology with extensive risk management experience to integrate FinTech with credit data services. The company delivers professional and accurate credit services to clients, enhancing the quality and efficiency of credit data services in Hong Kong and the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA).

Meanwhile, PAOCCRA adheres to regulatory standards for privacy and information security, helping clients establish reliable and compliant personal credit data profiles. Its vision is to reshape the industry and promote inclusive finance. PAOCCRA strives to collaborate and support clients and industry partners to drive innovation in the Hong Kong credit industry.

As a leading provider of FinTech and credit data services, PAOCCRA is committed to delivering innovative solutions that meet its evolving clients’ needs. Its team of experts is dedicated to providing exceptional service and support, ensuring their clients can make informed decisions with confidence.

Credit Reference Agency Services

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