Multifaceted Portfolios for Robust Growth

Seeds Capital collaborates with strategic Australian real estate developer to leverage Hong Kong’s advantages as a premier financial hub.

Hong Kong prides itself on being an international city and is the gateway to Mainland China.

Kason Hui
Kason Hui
Co-founder and CEO, Seeds Capital

Nurturing an investment portfolio often requires thinking outside the box. In the two years since Seeds Capital was established, it found that its clients looked for more international, diversified investment products. Therefore, with funding supported by Mainland Chinese investors, the company expands to real estate investment to offer clients alternative investments and global allocation opportunities.

Leveraging Hong Kong’s Global Reach

Recently, Seeds Capital has formed a strategic partnership with a Melbourne-based real estate development company, concentrating on a mutual sharing of client pools at the initial stage. Kason Hui, Co-founder and CEO of Seeds Capital, feels that the collaboration represents a special opportunity for Seeds Capital: Australia’s investment landscape will draw Asian investors seeking safe and steady returns while Australians will be tempted by Hong Kong’s international reach.

“Hong Kong prides itself on being an international city and is the gateway to Mainland China,” Hui stated. “Ease of capital flow is very important here. People from Mainland China may not be able to directly purchase or invest in property in Australia, but this is not a problem in Hong Kong. On the other hand, Australians can invest in Hong Kong financial products, thereby reaching the rest of the globe. As a Hong Kong asset management company, I feel that our company offers Australians unique advantages.”

Tapping into GBA Clientele

Along with Australian investors, Seeds Capital will tap into growing interest from clients in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA). Being a Hong Kong based company working with GBA clientele gives Seeds Capital an edge. “There are a lot of Mainland Chinese people drawn to Hong Kong — whether it is to start a new business, to study or to seek job opportunities,” noted Pasu Yip, Chief Investment Officer with Seeds Capital. “This leads to a lot of diversity amongst the population. Hong Kong staff members can act as a bridge as they can liaise smoothly with Mainland Chinese, Australians, local and other Mandarin or English speaking clients. Language makes the Hong Kong talent pool unique. In addition, with so many international banks based in Hong Kong offering different skill sets, it is easy for us to hire experienced professionals here.”

As for the city itself, Yip believes that it suits diligent people who enjoy a fast pace of life with plenty of leisure options. “Whether it is entertainment, dining or hiking, the city has a lot to offer,” he said. “Getting around the city and travelling to neighbouring regions are extremely easy, as we have the world’s best transportation network. These are all important factors that make Hong Kong a fantastic place.”


Fast Facts

  • Established in Hong Kong in 2021, Seeds Capital is an asset management company that leverages FinTech investment solutions backed by a team of banking experts
  • It is licensed and regulated by Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission for Type 4 (advising on securities) and Type 9 (asset management) activities

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