DAC Beachcroft Hong Kong

Founded in 2024, DAC Beachcroft Hong Kong underscores its dedication to meeting the evolving needs of the clients. This office highlights the city's crucial role as a vibrant commercial hub in the Asia-Pacific region. Its strategy includes expanding its comprehensive suite of services to the re/insurance, shipping, trade, and commodities markets in Hong Kong.

In strategic association with CK Lee & Co., the Hong Kong office enhances legal services across the region. This partnership, approved by the Law Society of Hong Kong, blends local expertise with its international reach, providing market-leading advice in the insurance and shipping sectors. Its establishment in Hong Kong represents a significant investment, contributing to local employment and growth. 

DAC Beachcroft Hong Kong works closely with its Singapore office and maintains strong collaborations with partners in Mainland China and Malaysia, extending its reach and expertise throughout Southeast Asia.

Law Firm

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