SRJJ Limited

SRJJ is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Timeless Software Limited, a company listed on the GEM of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange (stock code: 8028).

SRJJ is devoted to the development of marine-friendly biodegradable alternative packaging solutions for commercial usage. SRJJ and its long-term partners, a well-known leading polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) brand in the PRC, jointly develop different PVA applications. PVA products are water-soluble, biodegradable and non-toxic to marine lives. This allows PVA products to serve as alternatives to traditional plastic packaging.

With the recent development of PVA, SRJJ is providing water-soluble plastic bags for different applications. They are working with different multinational companies, supplying water-soluble products to global markets, including leading daily chemical brands, supermarkets and publishers.

SRJJ works with different research institutes to develop the next generation of marine-friendly products for solving the expanded plastic pollution problem. The company is developing a shock absorbing expanded material for replacing traditional expanded polystyrene packaging materials.

Water Soluble Material Development

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