FintechHK Seminar - Unlock Potential and Growth Opportunities: Financing for Business


SMEs are the backbone of our economies. Hong Kong is home to more than 1100 fintech and Web3 companies, including SMEs and startups. In the face of an increasingly volatile global environment – marked by growing economic uncertainty, shifting geopolitical dynamics and keen competition - how to unlock the potential of innovative fintech companies? How to improve the cash flow and reduce the cost to truly capitalize on untapped investment potential and hidden opportunities in promising markets, including the Greater Bay Area and ASEAN?

Fintech innovation and impact collaboration are two sides of the same coin. Fintech innovation fosters vibrant development. Impact collaboration multiplies benefits, including diversified financing sources and enhanced customer satisfaction, thereby accelerating fintech growth.

This seminar will explore the collaborative roles played by the public and the private sectors (i.e. the government, the investors, financial institutions, accelerators, and fintech companies) in fostering a vibrant fintech ecosystem, especially for SMEs and startups.

The seminar will cover the enhanced Innovation and Technology Venture Fund, the funding support from the supporting infrastructure in Hong Kong, the tips for leveraging the Commercial Data Interchange Initiative, and some initiatives to improve cash flow and reduce cost. 

Event Details
20 March 2025
Hong Kong (GMT+8) 2:15pm - 4:35pm
Invest Hong Kong Office - 24/F, Fairmont House, 8 Cotton Tree Drive, Central, Hong Kong

Language: English