Services aux entreprises

Hong Kong boasts a vibrant and diverse professional services sector. Strategically located at the heart of Asia, services companies can use their position in Asia’s regional business hub to serve clients both locally and regionally. Together with the Central Government’s Belt and Road initiative, there are tremendous opportunities for business and professional services including legal, accounting, human resources, consultancy, education and training and more.

Services aux entreprises

Explore some of the key business and professional services areas below: 

  • Education and Training – Hong Kong is a leading education hub in the region. Opportunities abound in the education and training sector in Hong Kong, encompassing the whole spectrum ranging from playgroups and kindergartens to international schools and higher education institutions, from leisure learning to professional and vocational training centres, as well as emerging education technology ventures.
  • Executive Search and HR Consulting Services – As a well-established international commercial and financial centre, Hong Kong is a major market for the executive search and human resources consulting business. This is further boosted by the strong pool of local talent and business-friendly immigration policies that make it simple to recruit overseas professionals.
  • Legal Services – Over 70% of international law firms, including more than half of the Global 100 have presence in Hong Kong. The low entry barriers to foreign law firms and no foreign ownership restrictions, independent judiciary, solid and transparent regulatory framework together with the deep talent pool supply are prerequisite for ease of setting up in Hong Kong. 
  • Sustainability/ ESG Consulting, Social Enterprise and NGOs – Hong Kong is striving to achieve carbon neutrality before 2050, which requires collaborative efforts across the Government, businesses, non-profit sector and individuals. The large presence of local, Mainland and international firms provides a cluster of decision-makers increasingly aware of and interested in corporate social responsibility. This offers new opportunities for companies and organisations that provide solutions and advice in sustainable development. 
  • Testing & Certification – With the active manufacturing and export activities in Mainland and the neighbouring Asian countries, Hong Kong has provided high levels of integrity and creditability as the preferred location for testing and certification operators.  The accreditation services in Hong Kong are recognised internationally. 


Fast Facts
of GDP
Business & Professional Services
contributed by the Services Sector in 2022 (Source: Census and Statistics Department)
of total employment
Business & Professional Services
taken up by the Services Sector in 2022 (Source: Census and Statistics Department)
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