Transport & Logistics and Industrials
Grâce à sa position privilégiée au cœur de l'Asie, Hong Kong est le berceau régional de nombreuses entreprises locales et internationales désireuses de produire, de s'approvisionner et de commercer. Bien que les activités manufacturières aient lieu en Chine continentale et en Asie du Sud-Est, nombre d'entre elles choisissent Hong Kong comme siège pour les fonctions à plus forte valeur ajoutée, notamment la conception, la R&D, le prototypage, les applications technologiques, le contrôle qualité, la gestion des chaînes d'approvisionnement, le développement commercial et le marketing. Le positionnement de la ville en tant que port à conteneur international parmi les plus actifs et les plus efficaces du monde en fait la base idéale pour les activités de logistique régionale et mondiale.

Hong Kong’s prime location has created significant opportunities within the industrial and transport/logistics sector:
- Aviation - A healthy demand exists for commercial and private airlines in both passenger and cargo services. The sector is boosted by the city’s growing number of businesses and leisure visitors while cargo for high-value, time-sensitive products remains in demand. Tax incentives for aircraft leasing businesses further enhances the city’s position as an international aviation hub.
- Maritime - Hong Kong has one of the world’s largest shipping communities. 9% of the world’s merchant fleet call Hong Kong home and more than 800 companies provide an extensive range of shipping services.
- Logistics - Hong Kong is the ideal place to develop a logistics and supply chain management business thanks to its free-port status, mature trading infrastructure and location. The industry is bolstered by increased trade with Mainland China and the region, opening doors for logistics providers with innovative technologies and services. Current areas attracting special attention include the supply, storage and distribution of high-end products such as art and wine.
- Industrial - Its location in the Greater Bay Area and excellent transport links to Southeast Asia makes Hong Kong the ideal base to supervise sourcing and manufacturing. Today, the city remains a major exporter of light consumer goods such as textiles, finished garments, accessories and electronics.