“Northbound” Multiple Entry Visa Available for Hong Kong-Registered Companies’ Foreign Staff

Now foreign staff of Hong Kong-registered companies could make applications in Hong Kong for “northbound” multiple-entry visas to the Mainland for two years or more with priority processing.  Among them, Hong Kong permanent residents of non-Chinese nationality may apply for multiple-entry visas to the Mainland with a maximum validity period of five years.

Applicants are only required to complete the visa application form online and visit the Chinese Visa Application Service Center in Wan Chai directly for completion of processing.  Their visas are to be collected on the next day at the earliest. By presenting their proof of working in Hong Kong (e.g. staff card) to staff members at the Center, foreign staff of Hong Kong-registered companies can enjoy priority processing.

Applicable visa types include: 
M, L,C,Q2/S2

Regardless of nationality, anyone who has come to Hong Kong for employment or starting businesses and has become a Hong Kong resident can enjoy the convenience of “northbound” travel with a multiple-entry visa.  This measure fully highlights the unique status of Hong Kong.

To apply visa, please visit:

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