La missione di InvestHK è di rafforzare lo status di Hong Kong come principale centro d’affari internazionale in Asia, attrarre e sostenere gli investimenti diretti esteri di importanza strategica per lo sviluppo economico di Hong Kong. In tutti i nostri servizi, applichiamo valori fondamentali quali passione, integrità, professionalità, attenzione alla clientela, affidabilità e recettività.
Lavoriamo con imprenditori esteri e locali, PMI e multinazionali che desiderano stabilirsi - o espandere la loro attività già esistente - a Hong Kong.
Offriamo consulenza e servizi gratuiti per supportare le aziende dalla fase di pianificazione fino al lancio e all'espansione della loro attività.
Further Reading
Controlling Officer's Reply to Written Questions to Estimates of Expenditure 2023-24 (English version) (0,1MB)
(Please click here to download Acrobat Reader)
Our Team

Director-General of Investment Promotion

Associate Director-General of Investment Promotion 1

Associate Director-General of Investment Promotion 2

Jessica Cheng
Associate Director-General of Investment Promotion 3 & Chief Operating Officer

Herman Tse
Head of Business & Professional Services

Doris Fong
Head of Creative Industries, Sports & Entertainment

King Leung
Global Head of Financial Services, FinTech & Sustainability

Wendy Chow
Head of Information & Communications Technology

Benjamin Wong
Head of Transport & Logistics and Industrials

Kingston Sun
Head of Research & Market Intelligence

InvestHK Head Office
Almaty, Kazakhstan
Bangkok, Thailand
Beijing, China
Berlin, Germany
Brussels, Belgium
Cairo, Egypt
Chengdu, China
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Gothenberg, Sweden
Guangzhou, China
Istanbul, Turkey
Izmir, Turkey
Jakarta, Indonesia
Jerusalem, Israel
Lima, Peru
London, United Kingdom
Mexico City, Mexico
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Nairobi, Africa
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Paris, France
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
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Shanghai, China
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Tokyo, Japan
Toronto, Canada
Wuhan, China
All Offices
- All Offices
- InvestHK (Hong Kong)
- Akerkin Eraliyeva
- Panakorn Dejthumrongwat
- Arthur Lam
- Wing Hin Chung
- Paula Kant
- Sherif El Bidewy
- Jason Gan
- Sultan Abdulla
- Mats Gerlam
- Helen Yip
- Nese Secer
- Cagkan Aydogdu
- Hillwan Yogi Brahmanda
- Dan Levy
- Manuel Puma
- Daisy Ip
- Karla Loyo
- Stefano De Paoli
- Leonid Orlov
- Ninad Parkar
- Holger Vogt
- Ranjit Unnithan
- Geert Hovens
- Laurent Sansoucy
- Thiago Cruz Silveira
- Lawrence Tang
- Veronica Medina
- Young Ho Seo
- Arthur Lam
- Melvin Lee
- Max Lau
- Takao Yamauchi
- Christopher Chen
- Yikai Zhou

InvestHK Head Office
InvestHK (Hong Kong)
24/F, Fairmont House, 8 Cotton Tree Drive, Central, Hong Kong
+852 3107 1000
+852 3107 9007
- Hong Kong
- All

Almaty, Kazakhstan
Akerkin Eraliyeva
Consultant (Almaty)
Consultant (Almaty)
InvestHK Consultant (Almaty)
8/F, 135 Zibek Zholy Avenue, Almaty 050000, Kazakhstan
+7 701 746 5736
- Kazakhstan
- Kyrgyzstan
- Tajikistan
- Turkmenistan
- Uzbekistan

Bangkok, Thailand
Panakorn Dejthumrongwat
Head of Business and Talent Attraction / Investment Promotion
Head of Business and Talent Attraction / Investment Promotion
Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office (Bangkok)
21st Floor, Sathorn Square, 98 North Sathorn Road, Silom Bangrak, Bangkok 10500 Thailand
+66 2059 4683
+66 2059 4661
- Bangladesh
- Cambodia
- Myanmar
- Thailand

Beijing, China
Arthur Lam
Head of Business and Talent Attraction / Investment Promotion
Head of Business and Talent Attraction / Investment Promotion
The Office of the Government of the HKSAR in Beijing
No. 71 Di’anmen Xidajie, Xicheng District, Beijing, China (Postal Code : 100009)
+86 21 6351 2233 Ext. 121
+86 21 6351 9368
- Beijing
- Gansu
- Hebei
- Heilongjiang
- Inner Mongolia
- Jilin
- Liaoning
- Ningxia
- Tianjin
- Xinjiang

Berlin, Germany
Wing Hin Chung
Head of Business and Talent Attraction / Investment Promotion
Head of Business and Talent Attraction / Investment Promotion
Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office (Berlin)
Jägerstrasse 33 10117 Berlin, Germany
+49 30 226 677 223
+49 30 226 677 288
- Austria
- Czech Republic
- Germany
- Hungary
- Poland
- Slovak Republic
- Slovenia
- Switzerland (except Ticino Canton)

Brussels, Belgium
Paula Kant
Head of Business and Talent Attraction / Investment Promotion
Head of Business and Talent Attraction / Investment Promotion
Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office (Brussels)
Rue d’Arlon 118, 1040 Brussels, Belgium
+32 2 775 0062
+32 2 770 0980
- Belgium
- Bulgaria
- Croatia
- Cyprus
- Greece
- Ireland
- Luxembourg
- Malta
- Moldova
- the Netherlands
- Portugal
- Romania
- Spain

Cairo, Egypt
Sherif El Bidewy
Principal Consultant (Cairo)
Principal Consultant (Cairo)
InvestHK Consultant (Cairo)
Linx Business Park, Building (B214/F5-B215/F6), Smart Village, Cairo, Egypt
+20 122 213 1114
- Algeria
- Egypt
- Iran
- Iraq
- Jordan
- Lebanon
- Libya
- Morocco
- Tunisia

Chengdu, China
Jason Gan
Head of Business and Talent Attraction / Investment Promotion
Head of Business and Talent Attraction / Investment Promotion
Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office (Chengdu)
48/F, Office Tower 2, Chengdu IFS, No.1, Section 3 Hongxing Road, Chengdu, Sichuan Province, China (Postal Code : 610021)
+86 28 8208 6660 (Ext.336)
+86 28 8208 6661
- Chongqing
- Guizhou
- Shaanxi
- Sichuan
- Qinghai
- Xizang (Tibet)
- Yunnan

Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Sultan Abdulla
Head of Business and Talent Attraction / Investment Promotion
Head of Business and Talent Attraction / Investment Promotion
Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office (Dubai)
Unit OT 27-34, Level 27, Central Park Office Tower, Dubai International Financial Centre, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
+971 4 453 3888
+971 4 453 3899
- Bahrain
- Kuwait
- Oman
- Qatar
- Saudi Arabia
- United Arab Emirates

Gothenberg, Sweden
Mats Gerlam
Consultant (Gothenburg)
Consultant (Gothenburg)
InvestHK Consultant (Finland & Sweden)
Kungsportsavenyen 22, 411 33 Göteborg, Sweden
+46 708 572 288
- Finland
- Sweden

Guangzhou, China
Helen Yip
Head of Business and Talent Attraction / Investment Promotion
Head of Business and Talent Attraction / Investment Promotion
Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office (Guangdong)
Flat 7101, 71/F, Citic Plaza, 233 Tian He North Road, Guangzhou, China (Postal Code : 510613)
+86 20 3891 1220
+86 20 3891 1221
- Fujian
- Guangdong
- Guangxi
- Hainan

Istanbul, Turkey
Nese Secer
Principal Consultant (Istanbul)
Principal Consultant (Istanbul)
InvestHK Consultant (Istanbul)
Telsizler Mh. Talatpaşa Cad. 163 Nef Flats Levent 163 K.5 D. 244 Kagithane, İstanbul 34410, Turkey
+90 212 292 5933
- Turkey

Izmir, Turkey
Cagkan Aydogdu
Consultant (Izmir)
Consultant (Izmir)
InvestHK Consultant (Izmir)
858 sk. no:2 D:706 Konak, Izmir, Turkey
+90 554 279 31 10
- Izmir

Jakarta, Indonesia
Hillwan Yogi Brahmanda
Head of Business and Talent Attraction / Investment Promotion
Head of Business and Talent Attraction / Investment Promotion
Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office (Jakarta)
Level 19, World Trade Centre 2, Jalan Jenderal Sudirman, Kav. 29-31, Jakarta Selatan 12920, Indonesia
+62 811 912 0220
+62 21 2952 2613
- Brunei
- Indonesia
- Malaysia
- Philippines

Jerusalem, Israel
Dan Levy
Principal Consultant (Jerusalem)
Principal Consultant (Jerusalem)
InvestHK Consultant (Jerusalem)
3 HaMarpe Street, 3rd Floor, POB 45005, 91450, Jerusalem, Israel
+972 2 571 0199
+972 2 571 0713
- Israel

Lima, Peru
Manuel Puma
Consultant (Santiago)
Consultant (Santiago)
InvestHK Consultant (Lima)
Calle Gralm, Recavarren 111, Piso 7, Miraflores , Lima, Peru
+51 986 207 325
- Peru

London, United Kingdom
Daisy Ip
Acting Head of Business and Talent Attraction / Investment Promotion
Acting Head of Business and Talent Attraction / Investment Promotion
Head of Business and Talent Attraction / Investment Promotion
18 Bedford Square, London, WC1B 3JA, United Kingdom
+44 20 7290 8207
+44 20 7409 0647
- Anguilla
- Bermuda
- British Virgin Islands
- Cayman Islands
- Falkland Islands
- Gibraltar
- Montserrat
- Turks and Caicos Islands
- United Kingdom

Mexico City, Mexico
Karla Loyo
Principal Consultant (Mexico)
Principal Consultant (Mexico)
InvestHK Consultant (Mexico)
Torre Diana, Río Lerma 232 - 23, Col. Cuauhtémoc 06500, Mexico City, México
+52 55 3046 5656
- Belize
- Costa Rica
- El Salvador
- Guatemala
- Honduras
- Mexico
- Nicaragua
- Panama

Milan, Italy
Stefano De Paoli
Principal Consultant (Milan)
Principal Consultant (Milan)
InvestHK Consultant (Milan)
Via del Mare, 47, 20142 Milano, Italy
+39 02 8953 4108
+39 02 4550 3617
- Italy
- Ticino Canton (Switzerland)

Moscow, Russia
Leonid Orlov
Principal Consultant (Moscow)
Principal Consultant (Moscow)
InvestHK Consultant (Moscow)
Eurasia Link Ltd., Office 3, Floor 6, Sinitza Plaza, Building 3, 9A 2nd Sinichkina Street, Moscow 111020, Russia
+7 495 787 9828
+7 495 956 0552
- Armenia
- Azerbaijan
- Belarus
- Estonia
- Georgia
- Latvia
- Lithuania
- Mongolia
- Russia

Mumbai, India
Ninad Parkar
Principal Consultant (Mumbai)
Principal Consultant (Mumbai)
InvestHK Consultant (Mumbai)
150, Udyog Bhavan, Sonawala Road, Goregaon (East), Mumbai 400063, India
+91 99 2083 5290
- India
- Maldives
- Sri Lanka

Nairobi, Africa
Holger Vogt
Principal Consultant (Nairobi)
Principal Consultant (Nairobi)
InvestHK Consultant (Nairobi)
Mokoyeti Road West, Woodside Villa 9, 00502 Karen, Nairobi, Kenya
+254 750 900 709
- Africa (excluding North Africa)

New York, USA
Ranjit Unnithan
Head of Business and Talent Attraction / Investment Promotion
Head of Business and Talent Attraction / Investment Promotion
Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office (New York)
115 East 54th Street, 5th Floor, New York NY 10022, USA
+1 212 752 3320
+1 212 752 3395
- Alabama
- Arkansas
- Connecticut
- Delaware
- District of Columbia
- Florida
- Georgia
- Illinois
- Indiana
- Iowa
- Kentucky
- Louisiana
- Maine
- Maryland
- Massachussets
- Michigan
- Minnesota
- Mississippi
- Missouri
- New Hampshire
- New Jersey
- New York
- North Carolina
- Ohio
- Pennsylvania
- Rhode Island
- South Carolina
- Tennessee
- Vermont
- Virginia
- West Virginia
- Wisconsin

Oslo, Norway
Geert Hovens
Consultant (Iceland & Norway)
Consultant (Iceland & Norway)
InvestHK Consultant (Gothenberg)
Plataanstraat 15, 5802 EH Venray, The Netherlands
+31 6 5232 3542
+31 478 508 166
- Denmark
- Iceland
- Norway

Paris, France
Laurent Sansoucy
Principal Consultant (Paris)
Principal Consultant (Paris)
InvestHK Consultant (Paris)
36 Rue de Ponthieu, 75008 Paris, France
+33 1 4387 5640
- France

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Thiago Cruz Silveira
Principal Consultant (Rio de Janeiro)
Principal Consultant (Rio de Janeiro)
InvestHK Consultant (Rio de Janeiro)
Av Pasteur, 110 - 7o andar, Botafogo, Rio de Janeiro/RJ CEP: 22290-240
+ 55 21 98862 2629
- Brazil

San Francisco, USA
Lawrence Tang
Head of Business and Talent Attraction / Investment Promotion
Head of Business and Talent Attraction / Investment Promotion
Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office (San Francisco)
130 Montgomery Street, San Francisco, CA 94104, USA
+1 415 835 9318
+1 415 392 2963
- Alaska
- Arizona
- California
- Colorado
- Hawaii
- Idaho
- Kansas
- Montana
- Nebraska
- Nevada
- New Mexico
- North Dakota
- Oklahoma
- Oregon
- South Dakota
- Texas
- Utah
- Washington
- Wyoming

Santiago, Chile
Veronica Medina
Principal Consultant (Santiago)
Principal Consultant (Santiago)
InvestHK Consultant (Santiago)
Avenida vitacura 2969, 11th floor, Las Condes, Chile
+56 2 2530 3600
- South America (except Brazil)

Seoul, Korea
Young Ho Seo
Principal Consultant (Seoul)
Principal Consultant (Seoul)
InvestHK Consultant (Seoul)
Global Investment Center, Invest Korea Plaza 508, Heolleung-ro 7, Seocho-gu, Seoul, Korea 06792
+82 02 508 8768
+82 02 6275 5060
- Korea

Shanghai, China
Arthur Lam
Head of Business and Talent Attraction / Investment Promotion
Head of Business and Talent Attraction / Investment Promotion
Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office (Shanghai)
21/F, The Headquarters Building,168 Xizang Road (M), Huangpu District, Shanghai, China (Postal Code:200001)
+86 21 6351 2233 Ext. 121
+86 21 6351 9368
- Anhui
- Jiangsu
- Shanghai
- Shandong
- Zhejiang

Melvin Lee
Head of Business and Talent Attraction / Investment Promotion
Head of Business and Talent Attraction / Investment Promotion
Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office (Singapore)
9 Temasek Boulevard, #34-01 Suntec Tower Two Singapore 038989
+65 6330 9338
+65 6339 2112
- Laos
- Singapore
- Vietnam

Sydney, Australia
Max Lau
Head of Business and Talent Attraction / Investment Promotion
Head of Business and Talent Attraction / Investment Promotion
Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office (Sydney)
Level 1, Hong Kong House, 80 Druitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia
+61 4 2356 3887
+61 2 9283 3818
- Australia
- New Zealand

Tokyo, Japan
Takao Yamauchi
Head of Business and Talent Attraction / Investment Promotion
Head of Business and Talent Attraction / Investment Promotion
Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office (Tokyo)
30-1, Sanban-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-0075, Japan
+81 90 3064 0283
+81 3 3556 8960
- Japan

Toronto, Canada
Christopher Chen
Head of Business and Talent Attraction / Investment Promotion
Head of Business and Talent Attraction / Investment Promotion
Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office (Toronto)
174 St. George Street, Toronto, Ontario, M5R 2M7
+1 416 924 5544 Ext. 213
+1 416 924 3599
- Canada

Wuhan, China
Yikai Zhou
Head of Business and Talent Attraction / Investment Promotion
Head of Business and Talent Attraction / Investment Promotion
Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office (Wuhan)
Unit 4303, Tower I, New World International Trade Tower, No. 568 Jianshe Avenue, Jianghan District, Wuhan, 430022
+86 27 6560 7354
+86 27 6560 7301
- Henan
- Hubei
- Hunan
- Jiangxi
- Shanxi
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