Accelerating Management in China

McKinsey Blue Business Development Accelerator (BDA) helps companies realise earning potential with the support of industry veterans and digital tools.

We believe the formula of bringing in industry experts with their unique views enabled by technological tools will accelerate Hong Kong and Mainland companies’ business transformation from the traditional five years to a period as short as 18 months.

Winston Yung
Managing Partner, McKinsey Hong Kong

For nearly a century, McKinsey has assisted companies achieve success by equipping them with strategy and management know-how. In recent years, the rapid rise of businesses in Mainland and Hong Kong prompted McKinsey to establish Blue BDA to address their specific needs, accelerating business transformation. The new platform is dedicated to helping clients realise earnings growth by providing servicing teams of industry veterans with invaluable hands-on experience, alongside advance management concepts supported by state-of-the-art technologies. The team’s expertise includes sales and marketing, operations, people and organisation, finance, and technology. Its marketing veterans, for example, can help CMOs develop CRM including social media and user growth, run eCommerce businesses, manage distributors, and oversee other aspects of operating a business.

Simultaneously Driving Development and Execution

“Blue BDA is a McKinsey innovation specifically for Mainland and Hong Kong,” explained Autumn Qiu, Blue BDA’s Director. “We set this up because the market here is so dynamic that the traditional approach of defining strategy then driving execution does not work for some types of fast growing companies. We help our clients capture growth by developing ideas while driving execution at the same time.”

“We cover a range of topics including new business launch, omnichannel growth, eCommerce business acceleration, social media marketing and optimisation, and offline sales acceleration and transformation,” said Jason Chen, another Director at Blue BDA. “Due to the execution talent we possess, our team at Blue BDA is not afraid to get their hands dirty in execution. We measure ourselves on real earnings created for our clients.”

Rapid Response to Advances in Technology and Innovation

As the world is changing quickly with advancement in technology and innovation, Hong Kong businesses are quick to respond to these rapid movements. “Digitalisation tops the agenda for many Hong Kong companies,“ explained Winston Yung, Managing Partner for McKinsey Hong Kong. However, Hong Kong businesses are relatively more mature than Mainland Chinese ones, with more stable and deeply rooted management process and technology. Their transformation will be more challenging, as the overhaul of their core systems may not be practical or feasible. In response, McKinsey provides agile tools to support digitalisation transformation such as AI, Blockchain, Cloud, Data Analytics, and IOT spanning all functionalities in an enterprise.

“We believe the formula of bringing in industry experts with their unique views enabled by technological tools will accelerate Hong Kong and Mainland companies’ business transformation from the traditional five years to a period as short as 18 months,” stated Yung. “Our capability to analyse, design and deliver digital solutions with technology partners will be essential to servicing clients effectively in the current environment.”

By helping companies facing critical transformation with their execution and operation, Blue BDA illuminates a bright path for the next generation of business leaders to forge.


Fast Facts

  • Management consultant McKinsey was founded in 1926 and operates in more than 130 cities globally with its Hong Kong office opened in 1985
  • Blue BDA is a new platform set up specifically for China with industry veterans to help develop ideas while driving execution through digital platforms

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