Hong Kong Empowers Global Trading and Investment

Interactive Brokers, an American brokerage firm, capitalises on Hong Kong’s dynamic financial landscape to achieve remarkable results.

The new licensing regime for centralised virtual asset trading platforms helps create a regulatory environment that supports legitimate virtual asset trading activities while safeguarding investor interests and maintaining the integrity of the financial system in Hong Kong.

David Friedland
Managing Director, Asia Pacific, Interactive Brokers Hong Kong Limited

Hong Kong, a bustling metropolis renowned for its vibrant business environment, stands as a beacon of opportunity for international companies seeking to expand their operations in Asia. One such company, Interactive Brokers Hong Kong Limited, has capitalised on the city’s numerous advantages to establish itself as a leading player in the financial services industry. With its innovative online platform and its commitment to cutting-edge technology, automation, and competitive pricing, the company is well-positioned to tap into the vast opportunities presented by Hong Kong’s dynamic financial landscape.

Premier Financial Infrastructure

Since the introduction of electronic trading in 1995, Hong Kong’s securities market has experienced continuous growth and transformation. The adoption of electronic trading has facilitated the integration of the city’s financial markets with the global financial system, attracting a diverse range of investors and enhancing the internationalisation of the Hong Kong securities market.

David Friedland, Managing Director, Asia Pacific of Interactive Brokers Hong Kong Limited, emphasised the significance of electronic trading in opening up opportunities for global traders and institutional investors to access Hong Kong’s dynamic and expanding market. “As early as 1995, Interactive Brokers recognised the immense potential in Hong Kong’s electronic markets and established a presence here to tap into the massive opportunities,” said Friedland. “With our roots in the United States, we harness the city’s unique advantages to serve our global clientele.”

Furthermore, Hong Kong’s strategic location and robust business environment have played a pivotal role in making it an attractive destination for international financial services companies. “The city’s long-standing rule of law, effective governance, and rich talent pool have provided a solid foundation for businesses to thrive,” he added.

Offering Diverse Financial Products

Interactive Brokers Hong Kong Limited distinguishes itself from competitors in the financial services industry through its powerful electronic platform. It offers clients from over 200 countries and territories access to trade stocks, options, futures, currencies, bonds, funds, and more on 150 global markets, all from a single unified platform. In March 2023, Interactive Brokers forged a partnership that enabled professional investors in Hong Kong to engage in cryptocurrency trading. “This strategic collaboration expands Interactive Brokers’ offerings and provides our clientele in Hong Kong with access to the growing and dynamic world of digital currencies,” said Friedland. 

“The new licensing regime for centralised virtual asset trading platforms helps create a regulatory environment that supports legitimate virtual asset trading activities while safeguarding investor interests and maintaining the integrity of the financial system in Hong Kong,” he added.

Furthermore, having resided and worked in the city since 1995, Friedland emphasised the vibrant nature of Hong Kong and the unique qualities that make it so appealing. “Hong Kong is truly incredible; it has a way of keeping one youthful,” he reflected. “The city offers a paradise for nature lovers, with its extensive and easily accessible country park areas and stunning coastal waters. The blend of urban sophistication and abundant outdoor spaces in the city makes it an exceptional place to call home.”

Fast Facts

  • An American multinational brokerage firm, providing online trading solutions for traders, investors, and advisors, with direct global access to stocks, options, futures, currencies, bonds, and funds
  • Licensed by the Securities and Futures Commission of Hong Kong for conducting Type 1 and Type 2 regulated activities, as well as leveraged foreign exchange trading (LFET)

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