Hong Kong – The Key to NTT DATA’s Global Payment Hub Strategy

Japan’s NTT DATA, a world’s leading IT services provider with business operations in over 40 countries across the globe, chose Hong Kong as the Global Payment Hub for its payments business to serve merchant customers around the world

With the push by the Hong Kong government to strengthen the city as the fintech hub of Asia, it is a perfect time for fintech companies like us to set up operations here.

Tim Sparrow
Tim Sparrow
VP, Global Sales and Marketing of NTT DATA Hong Kong Ltd

NTT DATA Hong Kong Ltd was set up in 2015 to help global merchants accept payments from worldwide customers and manage transactions in over 150 different currencies through one single platform.

NTT DATA had looked into different cities and finally picked Hong Kong to set up its Global Payment Hub because of the city’s proximity to Mainland China, one of the world’s largest eCommerce markets.

Hong Kong is right at the heart of Asia, where the company’s heritage is. The location fits perfectly with the company’s positioning of global reach combined with local payment advantage, especially in Asia. This also helps NTT DATA stay ahead of competition and bring value to global merchants who are looking for a payment partner with industry expertise and strong local knowledge.

Extending Payments Expertise Beyond Japan

As the regional headquarters of many companies in retail, travel and digital services, Hong Kong brings NTT DATA closer to the clients they serve. “Hong Kong is a global business and financial hub with strong economic strengths, market openness and a well‑connected location. It has a sound legal system, excellent infrastructure, a highly skilled and multi-lingual workforce which are important elements for the payments industry to further accelerate,” said Tim Sparrow, VP, Global Sales and Marketing.

“With the push by the Hong Kong government to strengthen the city as the fintech hub of Asia, it is a perfect time for fintech companies like us to set up operations here,” he added. Sparrow saw huge opportunities arising from the growing e‑Commerce trends in the region. Consumers in Mainland China and Hong Kong are increasingly making online purchases from international e-commerce sites.

Global merchants looking to grow sales from Greater China and across Asia can rely on NTT DATA to help them navigate the complex and dynamic e‑Commerce market in Asia. NTT DATA Hong Kong has about 20 employees covering all essential business functions. “It’s a small team to start with but we are well supported by our corporate headquarters in Tokyo. It’s indeed a unique combination of having the room for innovation yet being able to pull in resources from our headquarters,”

Sparrow explained. “InvestHK has been very supportive in helping NTT DATA build awareness and getting engaged with the growing number of fintech events in the city. We have a symbiotic relationship with InvestHK. Our story will in turn attract more talent to this city, which is a win‑win for both Hong Kong and our company,” he enthused.


Fast Facts

  • Set up in 2015, it is a subsidiary of Japan’s NTT DATA Corporation which has over 30 years of experience running leading payment systems in Japan
  • An international payment service provider that helps global merchants process and manage local and cross‑border transactions in multiple transactions around the world

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