UK FinTech Company Offers Personalised Financial Services Solutions

Eyeing the tremendous potential in Asia, Ebury established their presence in Hong Kong in 2018 to tap on the thriving FinTech ecosystem in the region.

The Hong Kong SAR Government has been proactive in launching various FinTech initiatives over the last few years.

Edmond Tam
Hong Kong Country Manager, Ebury

With 25 offices in major international cities serving over 40,000 clients around the world, Ebury provides financial services to corporations and small and medium enterprises (SMEs), which includes short term lending, foreign exchange (FX) services, cash management and risk management solutions. In 2018, Ebury opened their Hong Kong office after obtaining the Money Service Operators (MSO) license, allowing the Hong Kong team to provide competitive foreign exchange services to local companies.

An Ideal Place for FinTech Growth

According to Edmond Tam, Hong Kong Country Manager, Hong Kong is an exciting FinTech hub. “The Hong Kong SAR Government has been proactive in launching various FinTech initiatives over the last few years, such as virtual bank licenses, Faster Payments System (FPS) and the annual Hong Kong FinTech Week.” These have changed the perception of digital financial products and have gained positive recognition in the local community; thus increasing the acceptance of the innovative services offered by Ebury.

“In addition to a supportive government, many of our clients are importers with strong ties to Hong Kong and other markets in Asia. The city is the perfect location for expansion into Mainland China and the Asia Pacific region,” Isabel Ye, Director of China Initiatives, added.

Ebury differentiate themselves from traditional banks by providing tailored services that keep them ahead of the highly competitive market. “On top of technological innovation, our dedicated staff always strive to provide excellent service to our clients. The Hong Kong team has brought in an outstanding perspective and strength to build a culture of trust amongst the local business community,” Tam added.


Fast Facts

  • Ebury currently has 25 offices located in Europe, the US, Middle East, Australia and Asia, and two more offices to be launched in Shanghai and Singapore
  • Hong Kong office has a team of 12 staff to handle client relations, back-office and management

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