Long Bridge HK Limited

Launched in March 2019, Longbridge is a user-centric online brokerage platform designed for next-generation investors by perfecting the users' path on "Discovery” to “Learning” and “Trading". Committed to staying at the frontier of FinTech, Longbridge harnesses the power of social media and cutting-edge technology to deliver safe, rich, stable and efficient global investment experiences, as well as revolutionised technology and ideas to Hong Kong FinTech industry.

Long Bridge HK Limited (CE No.:BPX066) is licensed by the Securities and Futures Commission for Type 1, 4 and 9 regulated activities. As the sector's leading online brokerage service provider, Longbridge has offices spanning eight locations around the world, including Singapore, New Zealand, Hong Kong and the Mainland cities, pioneering the business in securities brokerage, social community, wealth management and corporate services.

FinTech, Securities Brokerage

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