Shanxi Securities International Asset Management Limited

Shanxi Securities International Asset Management Limited (SSIF AM) is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Shanxi Securities International Financial Holdings Limited. SSIF AM has obtained licenses by the Securities and Futures Commission of Hong Kong to carry out Type 4 (advising on securities), Type 5 (advising on future contracts) and Type 9 (asset management) regulated activities. SSIF AM is a qualified foreign institutional investor (QFII) and a Renminbi qualified foreign institutional investor (RQFII) recognised by the China Securities Regulatory Commission, which can use foreign capital to invest in domestic financial markets as a connection between domestic and overseas financial markets.

SSIF AM successfully launched the world’s first iron ore exchange-traded fund (ETF) in Hong Kong in 2020 (stock code: 3047.HK). Its ETF integrates the commodity market and the ETF market, and was granted as the winner of Hong Kong Stock Exchange Top Performing ETF — Total Return Award.

The company is committed to continuously developing and enriching product lines in commodities and alternative asset sectors, providing more ETFs and fund products that meet the market demands, promoting the interconnection of domestic and overseas markets, as well as consolidating and expanding its customer market and sales network. With comprehensive and high-quality financial products and services, SSIF AM will work side by side with global investors.

Asset Management

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