The Payment Cards Group Limited

The Payment Cards Group Limited (PCG) is one of the leading and innovative payment technology companies with operations in Singapore, Hong Kong, and the Asia-Pacific region. Established in 2016, PCG has become an acquirer with principal memberships in all major card schemes and eWallet networks. 

Its subsidiary, Yedpay, has firmly established itself as a payment acceptance business in Hong Kong. Meanwhile, A3A, another member of PCG, has developed a cloud-native payment processing platform that operates through RESTful APIs (representational state transfer application programming interfaces), significantly reducing costs and streamlining complex processes while providing users with real-time transaction data and insights. 

As an acquiring processor, PCG serves as the backbone infrastructure of the entire payment industry with its one of the leading Asia’s cloud-based processing and settlement platforms. Rooted in Hong Kong with a global vision, PCG seeks to empower merchants with cutting-edge payment technology solutions and drive high-quality development in the global payment ecosystem. Currently, PCG has provided services to over 50,000 corporate clients. 

Payment Gateway, Merchant Payment Solutions

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