International fabless power semiconductor design company expands Hong Kong operation to support business growth in Asia

International fabless power semiconductor design company, Steifpower Technology, announced today (8 June 2022) that it has scaled up its Hong Kong business, leveraging the city’s strategic location to manage its business between the Mainland and Asia.

Steifpower Technology offers a wide range of power devices with focus in the areas of consumer electronics, computing, home appliances, electric-vehicles, solar power and motor control. It has built up its own-brand products recently, helping semiconductors and manufacturers to customise design of the power semiconductor products.

Its CEO, Mr David Tang, said that the company decided to expand its Hong Kong technology development team and set up a Mainland office amid increasing demand of its products, especially for green energy and electric vehicles related application. He said, “Hong Kong is an international city that provides an open environment for technology development. It can help us easily coordinate our business operation in the Mainland and other Asia countries.”

He added, “Hong Kong is not only a free trade port with a very mature logistics infrastructure, but is also close to the Mainland and part of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area which is becoming a world-class advanced manufacturing base. The city also provides efficient and professional services for small and medium enterprises and has a low and simple tax regime. It is the perfect place for us to manage our business activities in the Mainland as well as in the region.”

Associate Director-General of Investment Promotion, Mr Charles Ng, said, “Hong Kong offers world-class research and development infrastructures, top-notch academic research, multi-cultural talent pools and strong government policies and incentives support. It is an ideal place for technology companies, like Steifpower Technology, to set up or expand in the region.”

About Steifpower Technology

Established in 2018, Steifpower Technology is a fabless power semiconductor design company dedicated to delivering innovative and cost-effective technologies that obtain the advanced power semiconductor solution. It is formed by a team of professional that have very rich experience in power industry and keep innovating new device structure and manufacturing method to optimise power system efficiency. For more information, please visit

About InvestHK

Invest Hong Kong is the department of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government responsible for attracting foreign direct investment and supporting overseas and Mainland businesses to set up or expand in Hong Kong. It provides free advice and customised services for overseas and Mainland companies. For more information, please visit

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