Leading independent US asset management company chooses Hong Kong to expand in North Asia region

Allspring Global Investments, a leading independent asset manager based in the United States, announced that its new Hong Kong office begins in earnest to expand in the North Asia region and build closer relationships with its clients in the region.

The company soft-opened the Hong Kong office this January, which is now in full gear in promoting its products and services in the region, according to Head of International Client Group, Mr Andy Sowerby. He said the Hong Kong office will focus on distribution and marketing activities across the region and oversee the execution of the firm’s sales strategy and servicing of clients.

Mr Sowerby said, "Hong Kong is an international asset management hub and the gateway to the Mainland and Greater Bay Area markets. Many of our funds are registered in Hong Kong. In addition, we have established a significant institutional client base across the Asia Pacific region, including Hong Kong, and we believe it is important to have local infrastructure and people in the market to work closely with our clients and to better support them.”

Head of Sales for North Asia, Ms Linda Luk, added, “Alongside our traditional focus on institutional clients, we are now starting to introduce our investment capabilities and products to the private banking and wholesale markets which are a very sizeable part of the Hong Kong landscape. It is important for us to demonstrate our commitment to the region by establishing a local office so we can be very responsive to our client’s needs."

The Associate Director-General of Investment Promotion, Dr Jimmy Chiang, said, "Hong Kong is a leading international financial centre with a prudent and robust financial regulatory regime plus a well-educated workforce and the absence of capital control. Together with its strategic location right at the heart of Asia and at the doorstep of Mainland China, it is the ideal place from which Allspring can expand in the region."

About Allspring Global Investments

Allspring Global Investments is an independent asset management company with more than US$465 billion in assets under management as of December 31, 2022, offices around the world and investment teams supported by 450 investment professionals. Allspring is committed to thoughtful investing, purposeful planning and inspiring a new era of investing that pursues both financial returns and positive outcomes. For more information, please visit www.allspringglobal.com.

About InvestHK

InvestHK is the department of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government responsible for attracting foreign direct investment and supporting overseas and Mainland businesses to set up or expand in Hong Kong. It provides free advice and customised services for overseas and Mainland companies. For more information, please visit www.investhk.gov.hk.

For photos, please visit www.flickr.com/photos/investhk/albums/72177720306501553.


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