Hong Kong: A Perfect Transshipment Port

Hong Kong is the first and only branch of Peter Wittwer in Asia to provide one-stop logistics services for Asia-related import/export trade

It is much easier to get accustomed with and learn the Chinese culture in Hong Kong before entering the Mainland market.

Marc Fischer
Marc Fischer
General Manager of Peter Wittwer Asia Ltd

Germany-based global logistics company Peter Wittwer has profound experience in providing customised logistics solutions for the export and import of industrial materials, such as metals, plastics, chemicals, steel and aluminum. Its regional office was established in Hong Kong in 2011.

This year, the company is expanding its presence in terms of both office space and staff. “We are happy with our decision to set up in Hong Kong and the city is still the best place for us today. Hong Kong is always a perfect transshipment port, thanks to its strategic location in Asia which attracts thousands of freight forwarders. The city also offers the ease of operation and low entry barriers to foreign businesses. It is easy to find English and Mandarin speaking logistics and IT talent to develop our business,” Marc Fischer, General Manager, Peter Wittwer Asia Ltd, said.

After working in Mainland China for several years, Fischer enjoys the east-meets-west influences, the efficiency, visibility and stability of trade policies in Hong Kong. “When people come and visit Asia, they are not aware of the obstacles until they start doing business,” he said. Fischer found it incredibly easy to do business in Hong Kong. “We have our regional headquarters here and have established trust-worthy relationships with our long-term clients. We believe good services and reasonable prices are critical to our success,” he said.

Peter Wittwer reacts quickly to clients’ needs and problems. In addition to providing in-depth consultation to help clients minimise costs and time, the company also develops its own online tracking system to provide supply chain visibility for clients. Fischer was referred to InvestHK by a steel trading client three years ago. He and his colleagues have found the department a handy resource for reference, business connections and networking opportunities.

“For any company wishing to establish in Mainland China, Hong Kong is the first stepping stone. It is much easier to learn and get accustomed with the Chinese culture in Hong Kong before entering the Mainland market. Hong Kong is the star of the world and is a great place to live and work,” he concluded.


Fast Facts

  • Established in Germany in 1959
  • Employs about 60 staff in the US, Germany and Hong Kong

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