Cost Calculator

To get an estimation on the costs for setting up and operating an office in Hong Kong, please enter your choice for the following selection boxes.

Private Offices Grade A - Modern with high quality finishes; flexible layout; large floor plates; spacious, well decorated lobbies and circulation areas; effective central air-conditioning; good lift services zoned for passengers and goods deliveries; professional management; parking facilities normally available.

Private Offices Grade B - Ordinary design with good quality finishes; flexible layout; average-sized floor plates; adequate lobbies; central or free-standing air-conditioning; adequate lift services, good management; parking facilities not essential.

Private Offices Grade C - Plain with basic finishes; less flexible layout; small floor plates; basic lobbies; generally without central air-conditioning; barely adequate or inadequate lift services; minimal to average management; no parking facilities.

Flatted Factory – Industrial units located in multi-storeyed buildings sharing common services and facilities.

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You must enter size (1 - 99999).

You must enter no. of staff (1 - 9999)

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Estimated Costs
US$ (US$1=HK$7.8;)
Icon Operating Cost

Operating Cost

It includes the monthly rental cost and staff cost.


Median is

HK$ (US$1=HK$7.8;)

Median is

Icon Setup Cost

Setup Cost

It includes the company incorporation / registration fee, and the first year business registration fee and levy.


HK$ (US$1=HK$7.8;)

Icon Cost Living

Cost of Living

It is the average monthly household expenditure on food & meals, private housing, transport, public utilities, and goods & services in Hong Kong (average household size is 2.8 person).


HK$ (US$1=HK$7.8;)

Icon Education



HK$ (US$1=HK$7.8;)

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Data Sources: Rating and Valuation Department and Census and Statistics Department of the HKSARG.
The estimated costs are our best estimation based on existing data sources available and they are provided on an “AS IS” basis without any express of implied warranty of any kind by InvestHK.")