Northern Metropolis: Prime Investment Destination

The Hong Kong government’s visionary plan to develop the Northern Metropolis into a “new international innovation and technology city” will reinforce Hong Kong’s role as the premier gateway for international companies to access the GBA’s unparalleled growth prospects.

As a new engine for the future development of Hong Kong, the Northern Metropolis (NM) will inject new economic impetus into the city by attracting new capital, investments, and innovative enterprises from around the world. Spanning over 30,000 hectares, around one-third of Hong Kong’s total area, the NM will provide about 500,000 new housing units and create 500,000 new jobs upon full development. Adopting an “industry-driven and infrastructure-led” approach as its key planning axle, the NM will promote industrial transformation and upgrading, and forge a major hub for Hong Kong to integrate into the overall development of our country.

Four Major Zones

According to the Northern Metropolis Action Agenda, various areas in the NM will have different strategic positioning and theme-based developments. From the west to the east, the NM will be divided into four major zones:

• High-end Professional Services and Logistics Hub — Covering Hung Shui Kiu and the surrounding area, and connecting with the Qianhai Shenzhen-Hong Kong Modern Service Industry Co-operation Zone, the hub will provide financial and professional services, on top of capitalising on the locational advantages of the boundary control points (BCPs) for developing the modern logistics industry.

• Innovation and Technology (I&T) Zone — Covering San Tin Technopole including the Hong Kong-Shenzhen Innovation and Technology Park in the Loop, it will create synergy with the Shenzhen Innovation and Technology Zone and serve as a hub for I&T development.

• Boundary Commerce and Industry Zone — Occupying the largest stretch of land, this zone enjoys the geographic advantages of the BCPs at Lo Wu, Man Kam To and Heung Yuen Wai. Apart from driving the development of industries such as advanced construction, green environment industries, health care, food technology and modern logistics, this zone will promote cross-boundary business services and entertainment spending, giving full play to its powerful function as a BCP commercial zone.

• Blue and Green Recreation, Tourism and Conservation Circle — Comprising areas endowed with rich cultural heritage and natural resources, such as Robin’s Nest, Sha Tau Kok and Yan Chau Tong, this circle will promote recreation and tourism development.

Unleashing a Myriad of Business Opportunities

The NM will integrate deeply with the planning of Shenzhen and other Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA) cities and is set to become a magnet for global enterprises seeking to expand their footprint in Mainland China and beyond. Companies in sectors like I&T, FinTech, business and professional services, and creative industries will find ample room to scale, empowered by world-class infrastructure, research facilities and a highly skilled workforce. Moreover, its emphasis on the integration of quality living, industry development, culture and leisure will create a vibrant, livable environment that caters to diverse needs.

This major initiative presents vast business opportunities for Hong Kong. InvestHK stands ready to assist companies who are not yet in Hong Kong, from helping them understand the landscape and identify relevant business opportunities to finding potential partners and preparing for future tenders.

On 11 June, the Civil Engineering and Development Department (CEDD), the Development Bureau (DB) and InvestHK held a briefing session on the many business opportunities created by this investment, with focus on the NM and Kau Yi Chau Artificial Islands developments. Over 300 in-person and online attendees from around the world joined the briefing. InvestHK will continue to assist international businesses to thrive in Hong Kong.

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